
So I decided I would take advantage of their offer to upload your own image for only $3.74 (again, a major deal). So I made up the image below (sized to their postcard proportions) altering Photoshop shapes and using my own text. I uploaded it to Vistaprint, but it was too low quality so I actually redid the whole thing at 300 pixels per inch because I was having so much fun (I know I know NERD ALERT).
still plain but I like it!

And on the other side, it's just a standard free grayscale postcard. I'm pretty pleased with it! Overall, the damage is still going to be something like 15 cents per postcard! I've ordered Vistaprint postcards before, so I can tell you, they are very good quality. I'm excited! I may even revamp these because after I made them, I discovered a bunch of DIY (do it yourself) wedding blogs, many of whom offered free templates and images for my use! Yay! So I played around with those a bit. I now have something like 4-5 half finished save the date postcards, which I'll revisit later when my mind is fresher. I love graphic design and I love Photoshop!
I like the one you made MUCH better