Saturday, December 12, 2009

To plan...or hire a planner

Despite other brides, my first call when I got engaged was NOT to a wedding planner. Mainly because no matter who I hire, I'll always believe I could have done just as good a job. I'm just perfect, what can I say?? haha, just kidding... Not to mention, wouldn't I rather spend that $1000+ on my honeymoon or like, the wedding? I've been noticing a trend in hiring wedding planners, but honestly planning the wedding seems to be the most fun for me. I'm never really happy unless I'm organizing SOMETHING.

Another reason to skip the wedding planner is...I live in Spokane, Washington. It is NOT a large metropolitan area, despite it being the largest city between Seattle and Minneapolis. Fact of the matter is, when you're competing with Montana and North Dakota, it's hard NOT to be the biggest town. That means, the number of wedding planners is pretty slim because a) there's just not a market in this budget-strapped town and b) Spokane is small enough that most brides, with a small entourage can accomplish everything they need in a few well-planned trips.

That being said, I've been thinking about making a list of everything that will need to be done on the big day and relinquishing it to my poor MOH (maid of honor: Rachell) for her to delegate to the rest of my BMs (bridesmaids). This will be super nitpicky stuff like double checking that we have all of the food, lighting all the candles hanging everywhere, checking to make sure flowers are still alive, etc. But fact of the matter is, that's who I am! I am the girl who thinks of every little tiny thing. And I'd love to relax and not worry about a single thing, but another fact of the matter? I will probably be watching every little detail anyway because I don't really have fun unless I'm in charge of something!

Either way though, I'm glad Rachell is my MOH. She's just as organized and nitpicky as I am when it comes to stuff like weddings and I know that anything I miss, she'll catch. My other three bridesmaids are married now, so I know they'll be crucial to helping me relax and enjoy the day, since they've already gone through it. I think I have a pretty good mix in my bridal party.

If I lived in a large metropolitan area, had a decent amount of money for the wedding and needed to start booking the hottest venue and vendors now, then yes, I think a wedding planner with access to the vendors would make sense. However, it's just not for me. I'm more spontaneous and hands-on than that. I'm excited to plan my own wedding, and since I have nearly a year, here's hoping I can get all my ducks in a row long before the wedding date!


  1. Good call on the wedding planner! Everyone I know who has had one has regretted it because the next thing they know their wedding planner is getting mad at them for not going w/ the schedule. So rude lol

    And yes, you can do just as good, if not WAY better of a job your self. I can't wait, knowing you it will be amazing!

  2. I agree with Shae, you are meant to plan not only a wedding, but YOUR wedding. Look at all your brainstorming ideas so fair and you still have almost a year until the actual day! You'll do great! And to be honest, if I could redo my wedding, I'd totally hire you :)
